Magical times watching the sun rise in the early morning hours, far away from civilization, with the sound of roaming waters, the feeling of warm sun touching the skin, and the smell of coffee! More photos below. Alouette Lake is about a ...
It's absolutely stunning how a healthy lifestyle can turn your life around! Since I do yoga I find I can appreciate silence for the peace of mind that it gives me. Ocean sounds and birdy chirps totally help :) Since I eat healthy, ...
Photos from my recent trip to Kelowna. Thank you Bryce & Gary!! What an amazing weekend trip! Great weather, amazing people, yummy food & boating all day!! More photos below. [gallery columns="4" size="blog-gallery-first" link="file" ids="1346,1345,1344,1342"]
People kept asking me what I' like to do for my birthday, but somehow I'm always uncomfortable planning some type of celebration for myself. It's almost as awkward for me than let's say receiving a cake and all people are ...
"The cure for everything is salt water. Sweat, tears, or the sea."
You know you always read these inspirational quotes about being fit makes for a happy mind.. they are actually totally true! But you have to do it yourself. I would encourage everyone to live a healthy & active life - try it ...
Happy 4th of July my American friends. Here is my own personal story about freedom and independence: See my heritage is German with a quarter Russian. My lovely grandma Anna was born in Russia and has an amazing story that I'm ...
I recently got a new tattoo of a time in my life that I always want to remember. The pain of the needles piercing the skin on my rib cage was substantial, but totally bearable (although they say the skin on your ribs is one ...
It's amazing how a healthy lifestyle can help you through a lot of stuff. After a few weeks of being crazy active, conquering the Grouse Grind twice a week, taking classical jazz dance classes (they *do* train your legs and abs there ...
This weekend is turning out to be quite 1960's inspired. Sometimes I wish I'd have been born in that era where men were real men, women had grace, manners and style were expected, entertainment consisted of a live big band, knee revealing ...
Born in Europe, a word-traveller & artist by heart, found a home in Vancouver, Canada. I live for passion, and love the power of imagination, creation and inspiration. Life is too short to just let it pass by.