
The best cure for built up emotions and unresolved questions that are floating inside your head is to WORK OUT! One of the best workouts I ever accomplished is hiking the steep and muddy trails of the Grouse Grind. The ...

And the energy that is raging inside us We can use to build us back up. :) The Used restore my energy once more. So much love. So much power. So much will to move on! Despite the lyric font being Papyrus...

Free your mind

First day of summer! Temperatures appropriately high, with the clouds finally moving along, making space for some warm sun rays and a whole lotta good mood! Scooted to my secret cove in West Vancouver and relaxed all day. It's amazing to just ...

Release and let go

Ok this is just some mascara and make up photography experiment. I love changing into characters. Since I'm usually a pretty happy person, this was a great contrast. Ok I admit, maybe it was relieving to get these emotions onto camera. ...


Photography study self portrait overexposed / bright black and white facial expressions Ok, it's *really* not that I am a narcissistic person or love sefies (they're ok haha). I was just sick of photographing scenery, nature and buildings. I really love the fact how faces, little ...

Please go watch X-Men: Days of Future Past! I'm in awe of the most beautiful scene, the slow motion scene of Quicksilver (Evan Peters).. A beautiful song, an inspiring meaning & amazing cinematography. <3 If I could save time in a bottle The first ...

Remember to live.
Remember to love.
Passionately, dedicated, and with your whole heart
That somehow keeps on beating.
Don’t worry about failing
Because that’s an unavoidable thing.
But if you risk it all, one day
You will find what you were looking for
Wondering why you were ever happy
With less than this!
Once you found it
Your pain will fade.
And you will live.
And you will love.
And then you’ll be glad
That your heart kept on beating.
For River.

― Current mood: empty.

New plan: This summer I will be the best version of myself I have ever been!

#workout #healthy #dreams #roadtrips #travel #happiness #smile #friends #ocean #rv #dance

― Miss Cloe