The first rays of sunshine are finding their way through the perpetual cover of clouds and mist.. what better time for Adam and I to hit the road, board a ferry, and travel to a place where the beaches are wide ...
Magical times watching the sun rise in the early morning hours, far away from civilization, with the sound of roaming waters, the feeling of warm sun touching the skin, and the smell of coffee! More photos below. Alouette Lake is about a ...
It's amazing how a healthy lifestyle can help you through a lot of stuff. After a few weeks of being crazy active, conquering the Grouse Grind twice a week, taking classical jazz dance classes (they *do* train your legs and abs there ...
First day of summer! Temperatures appropriately high, with the clouds finally moving along, making space for some warm sun rays and a whole lotta good mood! Scooted to my secret cove in West Vancouver and relaxed all day. It's amazing to just ...