To be sad sometimes is totally ok!
I have recently gotten a few surprising responses to my blog that mean the world to me. Literal strangers are writing me, leaving nothing but positive feedback to my transparency and ‘strength’ to write about my life stories. This time I am at a loss for words. I am deeply humbled.
Sometimes, life does take a lot of strength. But it’s worth it in the end.
The social media facade
You know, thanks to social media and Photoshop we all love to appear in radiant glow, always showing our best shots, shining in our best light. Bragging, smiling, exaggerating, even lying, just to look good in front of others. It’s hard to compete with the rest of the world, trying to be perfect, competing for attention, increasing the feeling of self worth, mistake-free and always in the center of attention.
But nobody is really like that!
We are all human beings. That means we have flaws, we make mistakes, we are insecure, have sad times, we are all trying to deal with our issues. We have quirks, we fail at stuff, and we sometimes make stupid decisions. Because we are human, and that’s the best proof that we are alive. And trying. Failing and learning. Breaking down and getting back up.
So why are we trying to look flawless in all our social media profiles if it’s these flaws that make us human? What’s so bad about showing your real character, your real mood, with all the little stupid things that may even make us more loveable for others? Why are we so afraid to show our soul?
I am usually a super happy person, and I always tried to hide sadness or doubts, fear and insecurities. I just didn’t want to bother anyone. But you know, it’s ok to be sad, and it’s ok to struggle. If I can just help one person to get through a rough patch in their life just like I’m trying to do, by knowing it will all get better if you don’t hide your insecurities but work them out, face your fears and let them make you stronger, exposing my deepest thoughts was totally worth it!
[…] how much the weekly hikes up the Grouse Grind saved me. The nightly 8k runs. The dancing lessons. The blogging. I really tried hard to enjoy and cherish my life with every breath I took, every morning I woke, […]
[…] how much the weekly hikes up the Grouse Grind saved me. The nightly 8k runs. The dancing lessons. The blogging. I really tried hard to enjoy and cherish my life with every breath I took, every morning I woke, […]