For the ones we love
You never think of the fact that the one little postcard that you send could be the last contact between you and that person – ever.
I sent this postcard to my Oma on my birthday, so many beautiful things had happened, and I was so happy I had to let her know.
There was never any response coming back from my Oma. But I knew she got my mail. Each and every one of them. And although it was hard for her to decipher writing – especially German writing (she’s Russian) – I knew she would know it’s coming from her granddaughter in Canada, because every single of my postcards to her is decorated with as many little drawings of hearts as I can possibly fit on there.
I was told many times by my aunt or her nurse who delivered her mail how her eyes started to shine when she discovered the hearts. She would tell them it was a postcard from her granddaughter in Canada. And as sad as I was not being able to come by more often, I did as much as I could to make her feel not forgotten. I hope it made her happy.
How much she had done for the family.
I sent this postcard to my Oma on my birthday, and it was the last thing I was ever able to tell her.
I flew to Germany on December 1 and was gonna surprise her today. Last night my dad called me that she had passed away. I had’t seen her for six years. What a coincidence huh…
With a tear in my eye and a tear in my heart I am posting this photo to remember my last words to my Oma.
Thank you for everything. I’ll miss you!
Please make sure to read ANNA’S STORY. She was a remarkable woman!!